I offer no defense of Trump’s election actions because there is no defense. You point out in your article how confidence in government has been shrinking for many decades. From the 60’s to the 80’s it shrunk from 77% to 25%. This shrinkage can hardly be blamed on Trump. For me this begs the question – why has confidence changed so much?

One answer is most definitely the decrease in integrity in the media. There are precious few media sources today that do not need double checking for accuracy. We have also seen a disheartening drop in the quality of elected officials. The university scene is a complete disaster. All in all a bad picture but again Trump is hardly alone in causing this.

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What a SAD commentary on the Republican Party!!! Exactly why do they prefer a one party system over a democracy! These misguided souls don't seem to understand what they want, but Trump and the Party of Trump are not the answer...a functioning democracy is!

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I, for one, just wish to news media would exhi9bit some amount of judgment when reporting the current election cycle - all the way through to the inauguration. I am not a Trump supporter and have not been in the past - however. I do reject the so-called 'resistance' movements that effectively reduced his 2016 election victory and lit a fuse in his thin-skinned approach to governing.

While I have much less confidence in federal government domestic programs than I had 2 decades ago, I do assume and support our election systems - and expect a valid outcome. I do believe we all would be better served if in every state, mail in ballots were required to be delivered to valid collection centers NO LATER than election day. That would increase confidence in the outcome.

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you talk about how one party is out to destroy the other. years ago i heard a news show with (then) governor Jesse Ventura; the interviewer said that jesse was an independent and he asked Jesse, why not democrat or republican, to which he replied " the D and the R are no different than the crypt's and the bloods, neither will be happy until the other is eliminated" this is soooo true

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