I question whether Ukraine has any chance of victory. If not then more money to Ukraine is a waste. Then the best solution is a peace agreement even though it would mean Ukraine loses some of its territory.

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"President Biden watched Russia’s mobilization for this war and skillfully rallied our traditional allies as well as some traditionally neutral nations to stand with Ukraine. History will accord him high marks for that." Well said. That being so, let's forget about a "moderate" third party. A vote for a "centrist" or an abstention is a vote for Trump. Trump's admiration for "strong-man" Putin shows his scorn for democracy, law, checks and balances, elections, and decency, keys to our American way. We cannot afford such a president -- again.

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Sadly, I think Trump is leading the Republicans to support Putin without their realizing it. He began by taking Putins word over our National Intelligence agencies that Russia interferred in our election. Then he would always talk about how much he admired Putin and what a great leader he was, how he could control all those people. Then he had Tucker Carlson intwrview Putin and made Russia look like l country full of order and beauty. Tucker just forgot to show the state ontrolled media , the lack of freedom for the people, the prisons filled with anyone who expressed opposition to the regime. Trump controls the minds of his base. He starts out plabting seeds, then he becomes more obvious, then he outright embraces and tells his people how much better it is to have a strong man in charge and you can already hear his base parroting that at his rallies. He had Viktor Orban as a house guest at Mar a Lago and bragged on what a great leader Orban was and how strong he was and he got things done because he was in charge. I have a very Trumpy acquaintaince who messages me all the time with anti Biden material. It is always oropagansa. I send him facts backed up by sources to refute. He told me Denocrars are the only ones who care about democracy. That was his latest post. He listens to and watches the extreme right channels and radio. So if he's saying that, it's being fed to him from those places. He told me months before Jan. 6th happened that people were going to storm the Capitol, take Senators and Congressmen hostage, make then swear an oath of loyalty to Trump and if they didn't, they would be killed. I thought he waz repeating one of the conspiracy theories he'd heard. You can imagine my shock when I watched it alll unfolding on television. It has to be some kind of mind control to get so many Americans to follow a man who is so morally bankrupt and continually make excuses for him, believing him over well respected people. .He has convinced them he is the only one who they can believe. How can that be possible?. I don't understand how 2/3s of America can look at him and see a con artist seeking power, fame, fortune and immortality and the other third see a Messiah.

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I do not believe that any - other than a very small number of elected Republicans - support Russia and Putin. The number is closer to zero. However I do agree that the US must support Ukraine - and quickly. No politician is perfect (Zelenskyy) but he is leading the opposition to Putin’s cruel war against his country. Let’s get HR 7372 to the House floor and move forward.

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