
If the government actually told Twitter, Facebook, or whomever, NOT to release information on a public figure is that not illegal? Forget Freedom of Speech, this doesn't sound kosher to me, or maybe I just don't understand our laws. I am interested in seeing what your readers say. also, on the antisemitism issues personally, I have the deepest sinking feeling every time that I hear of a scam (like this recent dude from FTX) that is Jewish by the way and all I think about is what the non-Jews are thinking, oh boy another smart Jewish guy, man has figured out a way to F..... people out of their monies. This certainly fuels the fire of antisemitism, I would assume. Then again, maybe it's just me.

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Well said!

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What Mr. Zuckerberg said is that the FBI reached out to his company ahead of the 2020 presidential elections to alert the company to beware of potentially polarizing content originating from Russia. He said the FBI did not mention the Hunter Biden story in particular, but that Facebook thought it fit the pattern about which the FBI was warning.

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