Trump personifies the Howard Beale ethos from the great film, "Network." He is literally the manifestation of the "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore" betrayal-driven rage felt by millions of Americans who feel bamboozled by all the institutions they were propagandized from early childhood to trust, obey and glorify. Big pharma. Big banks. Big ag. Big healthcare. Big government. The MIC. The lies have become too big to ignore. Trump is little more than a rage receptacle. Combine that with the characteristics that have taken over and are driving what's left of American civilization - tribalism, greed, fear, revenge - and that apply, in opposite directions of equal lethality, to adherents of both major parties. America is a sick country, perhaps close to becoming a dying country (at least in terms of its global hegemony). And we are "ruled" by charlatans, corruptocrats and outright traitors. Until America recognizes that evil is winning - and decides to do something about it - the arc of its demise will continue unabated.

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It's right to flip the smear RINO onto Donald Trump. To your indictment, I would add three charges. He winks at bigotry and racism as when he claimed there were (not just good but) "very fine people on both sides" marching in Charlottesville. He trades on his misogyny. He takes combativeness --frequently a good trait-- to an unconscionable level of deceit. To the greatest extent possible, we should elect leaders who are good examples such as those you have named (Washington, Lincoln, and the others). Trump is a bad example, a misleader.

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