Virginia receives significant benefit from the Federal government, but I wouldn't describe it as red state. Virginia voted Democratic the past four presidential elections.

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The states that you mention that contribute the most revenue is because those are the states with the highest tax rates. And those numbers will change soon, as more of the population of the high tax states move to the lower tax states.

It just happens that the movement is from blue to red…

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I Agree with you, HAL. I also agree with Craig Swanson’s second remarks. We are certainly in a pickle.

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Greene deserves zero coverage of her remarks - in my opinion they are only made to get her unnecessary publicity - much like one of her counterparts A.O.C. and others in the squad that hate America. What I do not understand is how people like these are able to be elected - and re-elected - by their constituents.

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A national divorce has got to be on many people's minds. Expecting patriot Right to cave-in to Progressive Left and their social engineering programs is unrealistic. Equally unrealistic is expecting Progressives to back down from their passions for social change that they have the only answers and counter opinions are wrong. So, I wrote this last year. See what you think. Traditional American compromise seems unattainable also.

>>>>> America is too divided with no hope in sight of ever returning to the traditions and practices that made it great. Progressive Leftists think otherwise and continually try to tank America. Let them set up their “better” idea socialist system and see the consequences. Quit fighting and split according desired lifestyles. I suggest 2 major coalitions of states - one mostly red and one mostly blue. Laws favorable to most Democrats for the blue coalition and laws favorable to most Republicans the red coalition. Blue states would be West Coast states, NE states, and Great Lakes states. Red states could be the Midwest states, Rocky Mountain states, and SE states. Each state would still govern its domestic affairs and have its national guard. The coalition states will establish the states commonality policies and laws. Federal government would remain with lesser control for domestic affairs, but govern major waterways, coastal defense, interstate commerce & highways, air traffic control, major airports, major ports, and the national militaries. The coalition can set policies and laws for governance like domestic travel, travel to/from other states or coalition, Constitution & Bill of Rights adherence (RE - freedom of speech & gun rights), education, housing, ecosystems not affecting other areas, right to life, welfare, etc. Each state can vote for which coalition it will join and can be re-voted every 4 years. Each state and coalition is self-contained for budget purposes. <<<<<

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Well, MTG certainly gets attention with her proposals that get outrage for the wrong reasons. So folks bash MTG without addressing any substance or contributing a solution to the issue. When a person tells their mate that they want a divorce, they are saying they are done and fed up. Refuse to go on. That is where we are. With the censorship and mischaracterization of conservatives, Leftists wokism over traditional values, and Leftists refusal to recognize the US Constitution, conservatives are fed up and see no path compromise or collaboration. So, a national divorce demand will most certainly get people's attention. Subpart of that is conservative red state residents will NOT tolerate flooding red states with Leftist blue value voter like Stacy Abrams recruited DemonRat voters to Georgia. Many, many people are at the end of their rope. Of course, it may be the long game for Marxists to get increased national mass division to implement their social engineering over-reach programs that crush the majority of our people and prioritize fringe minority woke groups. Everything is upside down. Keep it up. Could be fatal to our country cuz conservatives will NOT cave-in to these ludicrous woke demands.

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