I think this is the most well thought out explanation of the current situation. This article should be in the Nytimes and wsj. It’s such an insightful explanation of history and the present day. Thank you ( again) Hal

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I don't believe the average Americans think we were close to war during the Cuban Missile crises.

I was briefly friends with the US 1st Lt naval officer who actually boarded one of the Russian boats leading the group of vessels attempting to breach the American Blockade. He instructed the Captain to withdraw his ships... The captain refused.... Through his walkie talkie he asked the captain of his ship to train his ship's guns directly at the lead vessel. He then withdrew.... The captain order the ships guns, which were not manned, (that means no American sailers were at battle stations). to face the oncoming flotilla. The Russian boats had were all at full stop... When he returned to his ship after what he tells me was bluff the Russian ships slowly withdrew and did not re approach.. I share this harrowing tale only to show how fraught with danger these confrontations can be....What if the Russians continued through the blockade or even fired a warning. shot... As you pointed out Khrushchev was a far different leader than Putin

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