Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of modern times. The only mistake he made was not destroying IRAN. They hate us and want us off the map (I am talking about all Western civilization not just the Jews). But our infamous president thinks it's okay to send money to them. They are winning, because they have infiltrated our academia and poisoned our schools. We allow this crap all over money. The universities are filthy rich from oil money. If I were sending one of my kids to college now I would make sure that they don't take one penny from any Arab countries.

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I find myself in agreement with 80-90% of your writings each week - and 100% on this. It is so disturbing that so much misinformation - and seemingly outright lies - has been distributed on this subject. I don't know the answer - as the national news programs seem to ignore facts such as those you note - in the 'overboard' effort to be 'fair' to terrorists and barabarians.

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Your assessment is perfectly on target Thank you for putting into words a way to understand just what is happening.

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